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Water & Pollution

Control Operators Association

Industrial Pretreatment

Upcoming EPA Pretreatment Webinar
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Strategies for Small POTWs Handling High Strength Influent - 90 Minute Webinar

Here's a link to an upcoming Pretreatment Webinar:

  1. Tue, Oct 20, 2020 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EDT

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To help with a better quality sound and video -- please Use Google Chrome Browser and listen via your computer and not your phone.

Please Note: We have over registered this webinar -- therefore the attendees first logged into the webinar will ensure their attendance to the webinar. We are over registering this webinar because we see a 30 percent loss from registration to actual attendance for most webinars and we are trying to ensure as close to a maximum capacity as we are able to have attend. This webinar will be recorded and will allow available for viewing post live presentation for all to view.

Description: This webinar, which is a continuation of the June 17 webinar titled When Small POTWs

Should Establish a Pretreatment Program, will cover noncompliance problems caused by pass-through or

interference from industrial users that small POTWs may encounter and what they can do to protect their

plants and personnel. In particular, the webinar will provide a brief overview of high strength organic

waste and explain strategies wastewater treatment plants handling such waste can take, including

establishing technically defensible local limits and updating sewer use ordinances, to avoid system upsets

that can lead to noncompliance. The presenters will walk you through case studies on how small

wastewater systems were able to overcome challenges stemming from dairy and brewery dischargers all

in the context of the development of local limitations based on these industrial sectors.

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