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Water & Pollution

Control Operators Association

Industrial Pretreatment

EPA Webinar Training
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Here's an upcoming webinar training for those of you responsible for your Pretreatment Programs:

EPA Webinar September 22, 2021

Pretreatment Program Audits of Municipal WWTPs: What to expect, how to prepare, and common findings (90 minutes)

Wed, Sep 22, 2021 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EDT

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Pretreatment programs protect municipal wastewater treatment plants from operational interference or pass-through due to non-sanitary pollutants from industrial and commercial sources. In this webinar, EPA presenters will describe the steps that are involved by EPA or the State in conducting a pretreatment audit of POTW. Equally significant, the presenters will advise what POTWs can do to prepare for an EPA audit of its authorized pretreatment program. Both small and large system operators and program coordinators will benefit from the information, as well as those POTWs that do not yet have a pretreatment program but may need one.

We recommend using Google Chrome to log in the the webinar. If you experience connectivity issues during the webinar we suggest you logout and back preferably with Google Chrome.

Attendees receive an automated follow-up email from GoToWebinar 24 hours after the conclusion of the webinar which includes a link to download a certificate of attendance. Check your inbox or spam folder for this email. Discuss eligibility of continuing education credits with your specific certification authority.

During this webinar EPA presenters will describe the steps that are involved by EPA or the State in conducting a pretreatment audit of a municipal wastewater treatment plant. The presenters will also provide guidance on how to prepare for an audit as well as provide an overview of the most common problems they encounter. Such findings include permitting, inspection and monitoring issues that are not in accordance with 40 CFR 403 mandates. While this webinar is designed for operators of wastewater treatment systems that have an approved Pretreatment Program, the concepts we’ll cover should be equally valuable to smaller system operators who want to understand more about how they can protect their systems from interference and pass-through, which can cause noncompliance.

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