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Water & Pollution

Control Operators Association

Legislative Issues

2020 HB 1091 - Environmental Enforcement
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HB 1091: Environmental Enforcement



Environmental Enforcement; Increases civil penalties for violations of certain provisions relating to beach & shore construction, Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve, aquatic preserves, state water resource plan, artesian wells, pollution, operating terminal facility without discharge prevention & response certificates, discharge contingency plans for vessels, Pollutant Discharge Prevention & Control Act, Clean Ocean Act, pollution of surface & ground waters, regulation of oil & gas resources, Phosphate Land Reclamation Act, sewage disposal facilities, pollution control, reasonable costs & expenses for pollution releases, necessary permits, dumping litter, small quantity generators, abatement of imminent hazards caused by hazardous substances, hazardous waste generators, transporters, or facilities, & coral reef protection; provides that certain conditions constitute separate offenses.

Effective Date:
Last Action: 1/13/2020 House - Referred to Agriculture and Natural Resources Subcommittee; Agriculture and Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee; State Affairs Committee

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