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Water & Pollution

Control Operators Association

HomeHistory - December 1954

The Way it Was - December 1954

The Florida Water and Sewage Works Operator's Association

Association Officers: 
Phillip A. Seager, President
Clarence Henry, President-Elect
George T. Lomeyer, Secretary-Treasurer

Mid year FW&SWOA Meeting:


A meeting of the Association was held in the conference room of the Orlando Utilities o Friday, December 3, 1954, starting at 3:00 P.M. For the benefit of the FW&SWOA members unable to attend the meeting, the following summary of the meeting is given.


President Seager called the meeting to order and requested the reading of the minutes of the June 1, 1954 Annual Business Meeting, held in Gainesville. The minutes were accepted as read, however, discussion followed on the practicality of collecting a $2.00 registration fee from operators attending regional short schools who planned to take certification examinations. President Seager stated the current thought on the subject was that $2.00 was excessive. He stated this would be clarified at the annual association meeting.


The report of the Secretary-Treasurer revealed a total membership (on Dec 3) of 540 members which included 462 Active members, 73 Associate members and 5 Honorary Life Members. Expenditures to Dec. 3 totaled $1,104.79, receipts $1,709.05, leaving a balance of $604.26.

Art Carney Accepts:


During the Annual Business Meeting of the Association in Gainesville it was unanimously passed that ART CARNEY of the "Jackie Gleason TV show" be granted Honorary Life Membership to the Association for his constant humorous reminders to the American public that sewage systems do exist. In the letter to Mr. Carney it was stated:

"Realizing a true comedian also possesses a serious side we know you understand and appreciate our contributions to society which help protect the nation's health, comfort, and property by adequately treating the country's wastes and also the production of safe water for myriads of uses in the home and industry. We would be honored by your acceptance of this Honorary Life Membership."
On November 14, 1954 the following hand-written reply was received from Mr. Carney:
"Many, many thanks for the honorary certificate to your organization. Honestly, it pleases me so much and I get a real kick out of it. It has a place of honor on the wall right next to my desk here at home. I accept with great pleasure and pride the honorary life member in your wonderful organization and will try to live up to the rules and regulations!"
Very Sincerely Yours

Mr. Carney's acceptance of the Honorary Life Membership in the FW&SWOA honors every member of our Association. It also reveals Mr. Carney, in spite of his national acclaim as a comedian, is still very much a human being.

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