Florida-based Kationx Corp designs, manufactures and sells proprietary wastewater technology including:
KCD-X for Collections System H2S, Odor & FOG control treating both air & water phases simultaneously
SETTApHY Flocculant for Biosolids Settling & Improved Effluent Discharge Compliance (TSS/TDS/N/P/NH control)
Our products improve performance, compliance and the environment while reducing risks and costs. All of our products are operator-safe, simple and easy to use.
Our clean/green products are Made in Florida, using materials and packaging sourced exclusively in the USA. Kationx pays its customers a $2.00 recycle credit for each bucket+lid teturned to the company.
Kationx products are available directly from Kationx, or from Brevard Achievement Center (BACBrevard.com), or directly from State Contract - DMS RESPECT (RESPECTofFLorida.org)