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Water & Pollution

Control Operators Association

HomeHistory - Ed Norton

Our Most Famous Collection Systems Worker

In 1954 it was unanimously passed by the Board of Directors that ART CARNEY of Jackie Gleason TV show and Honeymoner's fame be granted an Honorary Life Membership in the Association in recognition for his constant humorous reminders to the American public that sewage systems do exist. Mr. Carney gratefully accepted this honorarium, as reflected in his letter to the association that November where he stated,

"Honestly, it pleases me so much and I get a real kick out of it. It has a place of honor on the wall right next to my desk here at home. I accept with great pleasure and pride the honorary life member in your wonderful organization and will try to live up to the rules and regulations!"

Art Carney has had many noteworthy achievements as an actor, but he will always be dear to our hearts in the role he made famous in the classic series The Honeymooners as Ed Norton. Ed may have been Ralph Kramden's second banana, but his performance never was.

Art Carney passed away Sunday November 9, 2003, at 85 years of age.We would like to take this chance to recognize him once again as a proud contributor to the history of both our industry and the FWPCOA. He will be missed.

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