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HomeEventsDeltona Backflow Repair Course

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Only 5 Spot(s) Left
Deltona Backflow Repair Course

About this event

Backflow Repair Course

The Backflow Repairer course includes classroom instruction and hands-on training that utilizes a backflow prevention assembly wet lab where students will disassemble a double check assembly, reduced pressure principle assembly, pressure vacuum breaker, and spill resistant pressure vacuum breaker. The course is 24 hours in length and includes the manual. Course applicants must possess valid Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester certification.

All receipts, confirmations, scores, and certificates will be sent via email. If you register using a utility email address, please ensure that your IT department permits emails from both Club Express and Virtual Badge.

A current backflow tester certificate is required to take this course.

Date and Time

Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 8:00 AM until Thursday, November 14, 2024, 5:00 PM


Deltona Eastern Water Reclamation Facility
301 11th Ave.
Osteen, FL  32764

Event Contact(s)

Shirley Reaves
(321) 383-9690 (p)

Darin Bishop
(561) 840-0340 (p)


Training - State

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment in Full In Advance Or At Event


15 Total Slots
5 Available Slot(s)

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