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Water & Pollution

Control Operators Association

News / Articles

Lead and Copper Service Line Inventory Guidance Manual and Template

On August 4, 2022, EPA released Guidance for Developing and Maintaining a Service Line Inventory to support water systems with their efforts to develop inventories and to provide states with needed information for oversight and reporting to EPA. The guidance provides essential information to help water systems comply with the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions requirement to prepare and maintain an inventory of service line materials by October 16, 2024. Specifically, EPA’s Lead Service Line Inventory guidance:

Provides best practices for inventory development and communicating information to the public.

Includes a template for water systems, states, and Tribes to use or adapt to create their own inventory.

Contains case studies on developing, reviewing, and communicating about inventories.

Highlights the importance of prioritizing inventory development in disadvantaged communities and where children live and play.

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